PhD. Jens Leifeld
jens.leifeld@agroscope.admin.chLeads the Climate and Agriculture Group at Agroscope, Switzerland, and formerly headed the CO2 Sources and Sinks team. A Privatdozent at the University of Basel since 2008, he holds a PhD in Soil Science from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. His research focuses on quantifying greenhouse gas emissions, assessing climate change impacts, and developing adaptation strategies. Jens employs advanced methods and models to study the role of agricultural soils as carbon sources or sinks, with a focus on sustainable management, particularly in organic soils. He also contributes to international advisory boards on peatland monitoring and climate change.
PhD. Sonja Paul
sonjamarit.paul@agroscope.admin.chStudied Geoecology in Bayreuth and completed her PhD in Soil Science at the University of Göttingen, Germany. As a PostDoc at the University of Basel, she worked on climate reporting of greenhouse gas emissions in organic soils, commissioned by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). Since 2019, Sonja has been a staff scientist in Agroscope’s Climate and Agriculture Group in Zurich, Switzerland. Her research explores peatland processes, the carbon cycle, and soil organic matter. She uses cutting-edge methods like Eddy Covariance, isotopic analyses (δ13C, 14C), and molecular-level SOM characterisation to address emissions mitigation in agriculturally managed peatlands
PhD. John Koestel
aurelien.lengrand@uclouvain.beStudied Hydrology in Freiburg, Germany, and earned a PhD in Hydrogeophysics at the Research Centre Jülich. He worked at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences from 2009 to 2024, before transitioning to Agroscope, Switzerland, in April 2020. John’s research investigates the intricate relationships between soil structure, properties, and functions, particularly the role of biological feedbacks. By combining experimental and modelling approaches, his work advances the understanding of soil processes, helping to address critical agricultural and environmental challenges in sustainable soil management.
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